
Reverse Imaging Technology  R.I.T. – Spying with Li-Fi – Secret Surveillance 1 comment

Reverse Imaging Technology R.I.T. (coined by Website Publishers) is also one of the many uses of Li-Fi – LED Lighting which is the conduit for thousands of data streams which send / receive usually video streaming and very large data packets through LED Light and at the speed of light ! right through our display units, electrical lines and the like ie. computer monitors and TVs, etc send and receive data and images right through the LED display units. Some even say that our emotions can be picked up, sent/send and felt/received.

Reverse Imaging Technology

Flat Earth

Flat Earth Videos – Proof the earth is flat 1 comment

What concerns me about the Globies is that its likely a salvation issue. Scripture says he will send non believers strong delusion 2 Thessalonians 2:11 King James Version (KJV) 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: and damned those that refuse his truth… His word… His scripture. “In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth” 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Scientists Refuse To Debate Flat Earthers

Scientists refuse to debate flat earthers. Many in the flat earth community have reached out to scientists with a challenge to debate our cosmology. So far… the response is deafening. Research the information below to find out why.