

MORE PROOF THAT COVID AND MANY DISEASES SUCH AS CANCERS, MS, Lyme desaese, fibermyalsia, and more ARE CAUSED BY PARASITE INFESTATIONS!!! and Wormwood and Black Walnut (taken together) herbal extract kills Parasites just like Ivermectin !!! And CLOVES kill parasite eggs

Many People Vaccinated then suddenly died – Covid

Just a few of the deaths on VAERS from the you know what shot. VAERS ID # 936805-1.AGE 25. MALE Vaccinated 12/22/2020. Found unresponsive and subsequently expired at home on 1/11/2021. Moderna vaccine.- VAERS ID # 943397-1AGE 28. MALE Vaccinated 12/23/2020. Died 1/14/2021. Patient was found unresponsive at work in […]